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【博学讲堂】Islamic Banking System
2019-05-27      经济与管理学院      科研处      点击数:

主讲人:Muhammad Asghar Khan

讲座时间:2019年6月2日  上午9:00-11:00


   Muhammad Asghar Khan,巴基斯坦人,经济与管理学院教师,金融专业博士,主要研究方向为银行。

   一、History of banking system, here we will try to talk about how banking system came into being,what are the functions of banking system.

   二、History of islamic banking , we will talk about how islamic banking established and developed across the globe.
   三、Products of islamic banking ,here will talk about the businesses of islamic banks.
   四、Differences between islamic banking and conventional banking,we will discuss the main differences between the two banking systems.